Friday, June 26, 2020

College Essay Formatting Guide

College Essay Formatting Guide Formatting a rough essay draft is the most crucial part of preparing that work. This is so because its the format that a reader will see at first glance. Formatting an essay defines it, distinguishing it from other types of writing: an essay from a research paper for instance. A well-formatted essay has a uniformity that makes it look neat and organized. We definitely want to make it eye-catching to anybody who knows how an essay look like while still leaving it relevant to anyone interested in learning more about essays. There is no comprehensive way of formatting an essay, and different instructors may tell you to format their work differently, which is fine. However, there is a recommended method of formatting an essay whenever special instructions are not given. This method is precisely what we are going to look at just to ensure that anytime you are required to write an  essay, you do it the right way. Basics  of essay formatting To begin with, anyone reading your essay should be able to see the black writing on a white background. Its also important to note that, the writings are on one side of the paper, just do not go writing on the back side of the paper, it should be blank. When you begin to format your essay, ensure that you have a margin of approximately one and a half inches on the top of your paper and the same margin on the left side of your paper. The bottom and the right sides should have a margin of approximately one inch each (1.5 inches on the top and left sides, 1 inch on the bottom and right sides). Well, I can guess that is not too difficult to do. Headers Footers The next thing we want to think of is numbering. Your essay pages must be numbered. On any ordinary paper, the page number can either be centered, placed on the left-hand side or even on the right-hand side of either the footer or the header. However, on an essay, page numbering is done on the right-hand side corner of the header on each page on the essay. Perhaps someone needs to be reminded what a header and a footer are. These are the sections on the top or bottom margins of every page in a document respectively. Any text on those margins is also referred to as header if on the top, and footer if on the bottom. For instance, copyright is an example of a footer while a page number can either be a footer or a header depending on whether you place it at the bottom of your page or the page top.